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V2EX  ›  酷工作

甲骨文公司 DB/DW/Exadata 售前技术顾问 (广州,深圳)

  •   bit · 2011-01-12 15:54:33 +08:00 · 4217 次点击
    这是一个创建于 5028 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Senior Pre-Sales Consultant (Middleware)


    this position has directly supported many key accounts including ANZ Bank Australia, Medibank Private Limited, Telstra , Bank of New Zealand, BMA Coal, Macquarie Group Services Australia, Hua Wei , ICBC , SGCC , CMCC, etc.
    The directly contributed revenue and pipeline by this position has exceeded 3.5M USD in FY11.
    This position should be a real expert with in-depth knowledge around DB/DBO/Exadata. And industry knowledge around specific industry is also needed to facilitate industry solution building.
    He will be focusing on supporting Exadata/DW/SAM deals and also
    some project solutions around data warehouse, high performance computing, service level management, cloud computing.
    show cross 19 cities in APAC wide, OGG key projects support(more than 30 OGG projects including 1M OGG deal in GuangDong mobile), OGG best practices sharing in APAC wide, RUEI solution promotion in telecom industry ,etc. Shen Zhen iTech team has been involved in supporting more than half of the key accounts in both ANZ/GC regions.

    Fluent written and spoken English required.
    Experience in customer support environment.

    please contact: xiaoge.hu [ a t ] oracle.com
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