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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Fortinet 招聘安全研究员(漏洞发现)

  •   chbestxu · 2020-06-03 16:54:58 +08:00 · 1205 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1569 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Job Description

    Fortinet is looking for a security researcher who has related experience in vulnerability discovery.


    Discover new zero-day exploits/vulnerabilities.
    Discover new exploitation techniques.
    Analyze new attacks.
    Write security-related blog, paper, etc.
    Stay up to date on the latest exploitation techniques.
    In-depth analysis of high profile network attacks.


    Have more than 2 years of security research and vulnerability discovery experience.
    Experience with OllyDbg or equivalent.
    Experience with IDA Pro or equivalent.
    Experience with x86/x64 Assembly.
    Experience in reverse engineering.
    In-depth knowledge of OS internals.
    Solid knowledge of programming languages such as C/C++ and Python.
    Solid knowledge of networking and internet protocols such as TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP.
    Ability to work independently.


    BS in computer science or equivalent experience.

    统招本科 经验不限 语言不限 年龄不限
    股票期权 午餐补助 定期体检 五险一金 上市公司 发展空间大

    公司地址:北京海淀区北四环西路方正国际大厦 公司规模:5000-10000 人

    公司实行早上 9 点上班,下午 5 点半下班,然后一周工作 5 天的工作制度,就是通常所说的 955 工作制。


    请联系 [email protected] 投递简历,有疑问也可发上面 email 邮箱。
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