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Adobe 招聘 GPGPU 算法研究实习生

  •   middleware · 2013-04-02 09:37:56 +08:00 · 3527 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4206 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
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    Job Title:

    Adobe Creative Technology Laboratory Research Intern on GPGPU

    Adobe CTL Overview

    Adobe CTL pushes forward the state of the art in image processing and the implementation of new technology in Adobe products. In particular, it research opportunity in specific hardware architecture.

    Internship Description

    We are looking for top programmers to develop cutting edge GPU accelerated implementation for image processing algorithms. Adobe CTL developed good algorithms in years, yet many of them require advanced optimization to be used in product, and GPU is an effective way to speed up.

    The internship of GPU accelerated algorithm implementation is not only responsible to eventually coding the algorithm in concrete GPU framework like CUDA or OpenCL, but also involved in modifying the algorithm or develop new ones.

    Knowledge & Skills Requirement

    • Strong knowledge in image processing.
    • Foundation knowledge on GPU, GPGPU, and one or more GPGPU framework (CUDA or OpenCL).
    • Strong C/C++ skills.
    • Excellent English writing for research/engineering document. English oral well enough to attend meetings.
    • Can commit at least 6 months internship. Can get your advisor’s approval
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