V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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  •   cubika · 2019-03-28 10:22:54 +08:00 · 1032 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2038 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    招聘对象: 阿里巴巴集团校园招聘 - 2019~2020 年毕业本科生及研究生(也就是现在为大三或者研二的同学)

    招聘岗位:Java 开发工程师、前端开发工程师、测试工程师

    感兴趣的朋友请发送简历至 binli.lb@alibaba-inc.com(请注明要申请的岗位,如果想要内推指定的部门,也请说明下。)

    -具有以下一个或多个领域的理论背景和实践经验:机器学习 /数据挖掘 /深度学习 /信息检索 /自然语言处理 /机制设计 /博弈论

    -Have a strong interest in technical research and application. Have a strong sense of ambition and desire. Good at learning and using new knowledge.
    -Theoretical background and practical experience in one or more fields: machine learning/data mining/deep learning/information retrieval/natural language processing/mechanism design/game theory.
    -At least proficient in a programming language. Familiar with network programming, multithreading, distributed programming technology. Profound understanding in data structure and algorithm design.
    -Good logical thinking ability. Able to find key data and grasp the core issues.
    -Good communication skill and logical expression ability. Good team work spirit and initiative communication consciousness.
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