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V2EX  ›  酷工作

来新加坡工作, 真的好吗?

  •   Hoeweigoh · 2019-01-07 15:12:26 +08:00 · 3032 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2258 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    来新加坡工作, 真的好吗?

    新加坡 *安全 *服务态度较好。 *干净 *空气好 *食品安全 *公路交通基本上不拥堵 *回国方便 *有效率的医疗体制


    1.Devops Engineer

    Job Description:

    -Setup, manage and maintain product applications and services -Participate in product system design, optimization and capacity planning -Setup and maintain monitoring of technical performance and statistics of products -Communicate and coordinate with Product Managers, Developers and Infrastructure team -Perform regular and ad-hoc server-side deployments, releases and troubleshooting -Prepare routine operation documentation


    -Bachelor ’ s or higher degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields -Extensive and hands-on knowledge with Linux operating system (Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.) -Knowledge of Computer Network (TCP/IP, DNS, etc.), Computer Organisations and OS -Hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Bash, Python, Lua -Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to thrive under difficult -and stressful situations -Good time management skills to work efficiently -Passion and high sense of responsibility for work -Fast learning ability and a good team player -Detailed-oriented, cautious and prudent

    Skills below are optional but preferable:

    -Experience with automation tools like Ansible -Experience with monitoring tools like Nagios, Zabbix, etc. -Experience with load balancing tools like LVS, Nginx, Openresty or HAProxy -Experience with container technology such as Docker, Kubernetes -Experience with High Availability system design and Server Deployment Process -Experience with DevOps

    1. Data Engineer

    Job Description:

    -Design and grow the data platform to support a variety of big data applications using open-source technologies including Kafka, Hadoop, Presto, HBase, Spark, Hive, Druid, and our own creations. Some examples include a real-time data streaming platform, a unified query platform, a cluster management system, and a machine learning platform -Design and grow data warehouse, build reliable and smart ways to ingest data to the warehouse, and help engineer efficient data pipelines. Some examples include self-service data ingestion systems, Airflow-enabled workflows with code-as-configuration, and data validation tools -Build critical data marts and applications to support products and solve specific business needs, design data models for optimal storage and retrieval, and optimize data architectures to meet critical product and business requirements. Some examples include a real-time Campaign Mart (used to serve the business with live intelligence) and Order Mart (to supply low latency seller performance system)


    -B. Sci. / Ms / PhD in Computer Science or a related technical field -2+ years of working experience in software development in at least one of these languages: Java, Scala, Python, C/C++, under Linux / Unix. Scala is a plus -Familiar with SQL; strong scripting ability in Bash is a plus -Familiar with Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Presto, and other big data experience is a plus -Familiar designing and operating of a robust distributed system is a plus -Love to use and develop open-source technologies -Excited to work intimately with data -Passionate, self-motivated, and takes ownership

    3.Platform Engineer

    Job Description:

    -Design and development of the PaaS platform used by numerous development teams -Write high-quality, clean, elegant, and maintainable code -Understand the technical platform, constantly optimise the service, identify and fix problems, improve usability, stability and reliability -Design and implement various supporting tools as needed


    -Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields -Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems -In-depth understanding of computer science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networks, databases, etc) -Strong and hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Go, Python, C++, Java -Familiar with common network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP) and network programming -Familiar with Linux development environments and multi-threaded programming

    Skills below are optional but preferable:

    -Experiences in design and development of large-scale distributed systems -Experiences in middleware development, deployment, and operations -Understanding of virtualization or container technology -Knowledge in server security -Contributed to open-source projects

    4.Database Engineer

    Job Description:

    -Responsible for MySQL and other relational database administrations and management (capacity planning, installation, backup, recovery, monitoring, optimizations, troubleshooting, etc) -Support development teams and production teams for database designs and implementations -Review existing system architecture and contribute to improve on the future architecture for database stability and a maximum of performance -Define and develop projects that reduce database operational costs and automate regular tasks -Research and develop new technologies and approaches for building highly available data persistence systems


    -Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields -Familiar with SQL and relational database theory and knowledges -Experienced with online production MySQL database operations -Familiar with scripting languages (at least one of Shell/Python) -Familiar with Linux systems, good system troubleshooting skills -Functional English (written and oral) communication skills -Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, at critical situations under pressure as well as day-to-day operations. -Detail oriented, agile, flexible. -Ability to manage multiple tasks with shifting priorities.

    Skills below are optional but preferable:

    -Experience in system administration or development is preferred.

    还有很多职位没法列出,有兴趣想来新加坡工作的朋友们, 可以加我微信 gohhoewei

    5 条回复    2019-01-08 08:54:13 +08:00
       2019-01-07 18:47:28 +08:00   ❤️ 1
       2019-01-07 18:57:41 +08:00
    @ashin 您可以+我微信 或者加我领英 https://www.linkedin.com/in/hoe-wei-goh-b75994aa,我们里面谈
    ID- gohhoewei
       2019-01-07 20:15:36 +08:00
       2019-01-07 23:48:07 +08:00 via iPhone
    @oldarm 待遇和北京差不多,消费比北京还高,又离家太远
       2019-01-08 08:54:13 +08:00
    @oldarm 不一定哦, 侯选人会考虑很多方面
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