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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[香港/可远程] Nomisma 区块链初创招人: 后端/前端高级工程师

  •   remnet · 2018-11-03 02:58:25 +08:00 · 2974 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2324 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    If you are seeking to be an early team member in a high-potential start-up with already-secured funding, we ’ d love to speak to you.

    About The Company:

    We envision a world where everyone has access to transparent, trustless, robust financial infrastructure. Where accountability of financial institutions is in the hands of common citizens, globally, and this trustless foundation is intrinsic to the system.

    We enable risk customization, interest, borrowing/lending, leverage, and the creation of safe assets for the cryptocurrency universe. Our protocol is based on peer-reviewed financial engineering, built on decentralized infrastructure where every step is transparent, trustless, and regulatory compliant. No margin calls. No counter party risk. No liquidation. You never need to trust the system (or anyone in it) with ownership of your assets. We deeply believe this will create a new, more inclusive financial system world-wide, unlocking and delivering novel sources of value to all users.

    Senior Frontend Developer

    Your Job

    You are passionate about software and you love to build a superior user experience.


    1. Work with product management team and UX team to develop a world class financial system
    2. Understand requirements to build a user friendly application
    3. Communicate requests to backend engineers for any new APIs needed and optimization of existing APIs
    4. Able to think from a user perspective to recommend/add features for a better user experience.
    5. Able to push back if requirements are not clear or if the UX might not be sound
    6. Independently build world-class UI with clean front end code with minimal guidance


    1. Formally trained with a strong academic record (CS degree preferred)
    2. Have a strong understanding of modern JavaScript including ES6 and beyond,
    3. 3+ years of professional experience, worked on frontend project with React
    4. working with frontend development techniques and stacks (Webpack, SASS, CSS3, HTML5)
    5. Experience with 3rd-party REST API integrations
    6. Strong knowledge of version control software, specifically Git
    7. Basic knowledge of blockchain / crypto. Preferable knowledge of web3.js.
    8. (Bonus) Familiar with at least one backend language like Python / Ruby / Java / Rust
    9. (Bonus) Familiar with Linux server and basic DevOps skills
    10. (Bonus) Experienced in smart contract programming (Solidity)


    1. Effective verbal and written communication skills in English language are a given.
    2. A strong plus if you can speak Chinese(Mandarin)

    Should Provide:

    1. Links to your GitHub/Stack Overflow/Personal Blog or something that you ’ ve built
    2. Resume or LinkedIn Profile (if any)

    Senior Backend Engineer

    Your Job

    You are passionate about building a scalable infrastructure that can be used by multiple consumers. You are eager to learn new concepts, new languages, and have a profound interest in Blockchain technology.


    • Drive the conceptualization, design and development of new financial services product and module with product management
    • Employ test-driven development methodology for high-quality and scalable code
    • Provide technical leadership and mentorship to other members of the team
    • Provide support for systems already in production and refactoring to increase stability and scalability
    • Work with Quality Assurance team to prioritize and resolve defects and issues
    • Preform benchmarks and be able to choose the right technology based on requirements


    • BS or MS degree in Computer Science / Engineering / or related experience
    • Ability to craft simple and elegant solutions to complex problems.
    • Solid software development fundamentals (Data Structures, algorithms, problem solving, OO Design, and system architecture).
    • Knowledge of a wide variety of databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, PostreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Memcache
    • Experience building event-driven or message-driven architecture using message queues such as NSQ, NATS, Kafka
    • Familiarity with problems in distributed systems and protocols to resolve them
    • Experience with SOA architecture working on distributed/high trafficked systems.
    • Experience building and designing highly scalable services, and RESTful API ’ s that power multiple consumers.
    • Experience with API patterns, RESTful JSON API, GraphQL, gRPC
    • Passionate about what you do and care deeply about the things you build.
    • Able to clearly communicate to technical and non-technical audiences.
    • Has a good understanding of continuous delivery, writing unit tests and automated testing.
    • Experience working in an agile environment

    Good To Have

    • Knowledge and understanding of simple financial products (banking, equity, options)
    • Knowledge of structured products and OTC derivatives a plus
    • 3+ years of relevant experience in software development
    • 1+ years of experience in Blockchain and Blockchain-related projects
    • Experience in at least one of the following - Go, Javascript, Rust, Elixir
    • Experience with Solidity
    • Familiarity with React and Typescript
    • Familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes

    请准备英文简历( CV )以及自我介绍(中 /英皆可)。主要经历或作品链接( GitHub 等)。


    Telegram: https://t.me/yijiasu

    Email: yijia.su@nomisma.one

    2 条回复    2018-11-08 19:44:11 +08:00
       2018-11-04 08:53:39 +08:00
       2018-11-08 19:44:11 +08:00
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