偶然看到了这篇文章:“ Here ’ s a tour of WeChat, the greatest mobile app in the world ” https://hackernoon.com/heres-a-tour-of-wechat-the-greatest-mobile-app-in-the-world-5be62536ff4d 谈谈我对微信这款软件的一些从软件角度而非发展历程和商业运作的看法,主要是它的缺陷。 以下是我的评论: https://medium.com/@SiqingYu/i-dont-think-the-title-is-proper-wechat-is-not-great-at-all-cc3e07d5a364
I am a typical Chinese WeChat user. I do like WeChat for its ease of use, mobile payment, etc. But I don ’ t like the Leviathan aspects of it.
WeChat is bloatware. It crams too many features (even mini apps) into itself while lacking some most important feature like chatting history syncing. Tencent says it doesn ’ t save users ’ data on its servers. However it does, but it just doesn ’ t give to the users. Users have to export their tens of gigabytes of data from one device to another.
WeChat is a censorship tool. Its chatting has no encryption and privacy in mind. It exposes the users ’ data to authority. It censors users ’ chatting and sharing all along to comply with the Chinese Internet censorship regulations and large corporations ’ interest.
WeChat has its way of inventing its standard to push aside competitors. Its “ Moment ” and “ Publication ” platforms are entirely closed and have little interoperability with the web standard. It has its built-in web browser, sharing board, etc. The more the one uses it, the more unlikely it uses other apps.
ruimz 2018-10-24 21:51:17 +08:00 via Android
不能同步消息确实很,毕竟他的前辈 QQ 都可以的。换机的时候真的很难受,而且自带的换机不同步图片
emmmmm 另外……那个……能不能换个句型… |
SsuchingYu OP @ruimz #1 愤青常用的修辞手法。
zro 2018-10-24 22:02:13 +08:00
跟 QQ 比还是个半成品。。。
trait 2018-10-24 22:04:21 +08:00 via iPhone
SsuchingYu OP @trait #4 有道理哈,看来不能把朋友圈和公众平台放在一起。
Mirage09 2018-10-24 22:11:38 +08:00 via iPhone
微信的转移消息记录做的不错,但是 qq 就是不做这个功能,其他的 qq 吊打微信。