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【Shanghai】Stanford / MIT startup EviPath is looking for a god-like UI/UX designer

  •   reedvoid · 2012-08-17 15:34:34 +08:00 · 3166 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4445 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    EviPath (医维博) is a young startup, founded by graduates from Stanford and MIT, that is building a healthcare education platform on mobile devices. While we know that medicine in China has many challenges, but still believe that we can make a difference and help make the world a better place. We think that medical education for doctors is the most effective method to quickly impact medical care in China and around the world.

    Our company is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, but has a subsidiary in Shanghai. We are well funded and have already secured partnerships with US medical journals as well as Chinese 3A hospitals in Shanghai.

    We are looking to develop a solution suited for the China market and are looking for an amazing UI designer that is both talented and believes in our mission.


    - Define the overall look & feel of the product
    - Create clickable prototypes that we can show to physicians to collect feedback
    - Create extremely detailed mockups based on wire-frames and specifications, so that the development team knows exactly what to do


    - Has at least 1 year of experience
    - Has prior mobile UI experience
    - Up-to-date on the latest mobile UI design trends
    - Is a team player, good communicator


    5000-8000 RMB / month

    Please send your resume, your portfolio of representative works to: [email protected].

    Feel free to reply to this post in Chinese or English. 我们中文水平还可以。
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