raycube OP Zero to a Million Users~
FRHong 2010-11-06 17:57:43 +08:00
好像跟那个Whasup App 差不多的概念
GordianZ MOD |
dismory 2010-11-07 01:44:44 +08:00 via iPhone
timshi 2010-11-07 06:36:17 +08:00
it's like BBM cross platforms. BBM is very popular in with college students. Lot's people use it to hook up with each other. If you search for Kik on twitter it's mostly urban youth that uses it. That's why it spreads so fast. Kik is brilliant because it identified what made BBM popular and made it possible to other platform users.
What's even more impressive it that an year ago their product was completely different, and they rebranded and they won. This was what they were doing in 2009 http://velocity.uwaterloo.ca/alumni/kik-at-blackberry-devcon I guess that's what they call relentlessly resourceful on HN |