Livid MOD 现在是 PDT 时区下午 3 点,还有 9 个小时呢。
evlos OP 欧服持续 Error 37,服务器忙。
有老外被卡疯了在论坛作诗一首: oh beautiful login screen where the fog slowly passes by where the ugly grass waves in the wind where the moon pulsates white light across the valley In this cold night... I long for the warm cozy fire in the distance I wonder Are the ravens still hungry? What has happened that caused smoke in the sky? What history is behind the ruins on the right? It scares me... but I will be brave! I will stop the demonic invasion! after error 37 that is. |
evlos OP 棒子已经干掉boss了:
以下转自欧服论坛: Here is the current situation for players from the ASIA region: -Everybody with the digital version are getting "Error 12- No license attached". -In Korea, GMs have a thread going to manually flag digital accounts to allow them to play. Currently, there is no other way for Digital Edition players to play and they have to wait for the GMs to flag the account one by one. -In Taiwan, there are no GMs around to flag accounts. 棒子国GM手工处理error12问题,台服木有GM处理这个问题。 |
evlos OP @Livid 殊途同归么。
如果同一类的事情(美术),在类似的情况下(人类、怪兽、入侵的故事背景),由同一类人做(暴雪团队),要求做到最好,那么结果应该是类似的。 |
holystrike 2012-05-15 07:31:31 +08:00
joeyker 2012-05-15 07:34:40 +08:00
nickcheng 2012-05-15 09:07:44 +08:00
亚服也是一直 E12 吧? 我看台湾论坛里也都要疯了