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Asus Tinker Board is a DIY mini PC that takes aim at Raspberry Pi

  •   lenovo · 2017-02-15 10:51:20 +08:00 · 2925 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2772 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    Like the Raspberry Pi 3, the Tinker Board is basically an entire PC -- motherboard, CPU, GPU, system memory and more -- all in one package. Based around a Rockchip RK3388 SoC quad-core 1.8GHz ARM Cortex-A17 CPU, Asus is claiming the board will have twice the performance of the Pi 3, which is now nearly a year old.
    Other specs include:
        2GB dual-channel LPDDR3 memory
        Gigabit LAN and Bluetooth 4.0 + EDR connectivity
        802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi
        Four USB 2.0 ports
        40-pin internal header with 28 GPIO pins
        Contact points for PWM and S/PDIF signals
        3.5mm audio jack connection
        CSI port for camera connection
        DSI port supporting HD resolution
        HDMI 2.0 port with 4K-resolution support
        MicroSD port supporting UHS-I card speed
        Supports Debian OS with Kodi
        5V/2A Micro-USB power supply (not included)
    It is just the board and what's on it, however, so you'll have to supply your own microSD card for storage, a Micro-USB power supply, keyboard, mouse and display.
    French site MiniMachines first learned of the board at CES 2017, but it is now available in the UK for £55, which converts to approximately $70 or AU$90. That's about twice the cost of a Raspberry Pi 3, which for some will defeat the entire low-cost purpose of the platform. 
       2017-02-15 11:36:08 +08:00 via Android
    不支持 usb3.0 也没有 sata ,不知道比那种国产开发版有什么优势。。。
       2017-02-16 12:12:35 +08:00
    r#1 @zhaoxiting1997 硬件升级就得涨价,还要保持周边设备的兼容性
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