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[深圳] Android leader/engineer-Snapchat-美国顶尖社交图片 app

  •   recruiterit · 2016-12-04 21:41:32 +08:00 · 3235 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2847 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    IT job : Senior Android leader/ Engineer – Snapchat – Shenzhen

    Salary: Base salary+ stock
    Location: Futian, Shenzhen
    CV send to [email protected]

    Snap Inc. is a camera company.

    Camera plays a vital role to Snapchat's business as a multimedia communication tool. Millions of users open Snapchat camera every day to take photos/videos, apply creative tools and share them with friends. Our camera team strives to build the best camera for mobile devices so everyone can use Snapchat as their preferred camera. We want to make the Snapchat camera applications better, faster, smarter and more creative so it allows our users to efficiently communicate experience and gather information through creative multimedia content.

    We are looking for experienced technical leaders and engineers in China to improve the end-to-end camera experience and build the BEST camera application ever. We have tons of interesting technical challenges in this space, and you will work with a variety of technologies that span camera performance, computer vision and data science to make Snapchat the best camera in the world.

    What you'll do:

    ● Build smooth, stable, and beautiful products
    ● Evaluate the technical tradeoffs of every decision
    ● Do code reviews, design reviews and iterate quickly without compromising quality
    ● Collaborate efficiently with top engineers around the world

    Who we ’ re looking for:

    ● BS/BA in a technical field such as Computer Science or equivalent experience
    ● Really, really good software engineers
    ● People who get excited by tough technical challenges
    ● You love learning and are passionate about helping others

    Desired Qualifications:

    ● M.S. degree in Computer Science or related field
    ● 4+ years of industry software engineering experience
    ● Rich mobile development experience for Android or iOS
    ● Expertise with image/video processing, computer vision, video encoding or other multimedia application
    ● Fluent in both written and spoken English

    More about Snap Inc:

    3 条回复    2016-12-06 11:49:05 +08:00
       2016-12-05 09:14:47 +08:00
    snapchat 好像被墙了
       2016-12-05 09:54:51 +08:00
       2016-12-06 11:49:05 +08:00
    snap 在深圳也有 base 了?
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