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甲骨文公司招聘 Big Data/Hadoop/SAS/Java 人才

  •   bit · 2012-01-06 17:02:49 +08:00 · 5040 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4669 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    邮箱 bitrock [a] gmail.com

    [1] -------------------------------------------
    Position: Principal Sales Consultant
    Line of Business: iTech

    Position Summary:

    Oracle iTech is looking for data scientistsfor designing solutions requiring Big Data analytics. With the increase of datain the enterprise, Oracle is offering customers with an end-to-end solution toacquire, organize, analyze, and maximize the value from unstructured data throughthe Big Data Appliance. You will be creating insights from different types ofdata that are not readily accessible in data warehouses and business intelligenceapplications today.
    You will function as Solution Architect forcreating Big Data proofs-of-concept, use-case demos and customer engagements.As SAs, you will also function as Big Data team leads for end-to-end enterprisebig data requirements.


    At least 5 yrs hands on experience in SAS, R language, Stata, SAS, SPSS or Matlab
    Hands on experience on Hadoop / MapReduce programming
    Degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics or related discipline
    Experience in Actuarial Science, Numerical Analysis, Linear Programming, Nonlinear Programming, Mathematical Modelling, Probability Theory, Differential Equations, Optimization, Computational Statistics
    Knowledge of RDBMS and SQL
    Knowledge of data warehousing concepts
    Knowledge of Extract, Transform, Load process
    Knowledge of Business Intelligence applications
    Understanding of Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, Map-Reduce, clustering and distributed programming
    good presentation skills
    10 years of experience in all at least

    Consulting background and/or comfort in working with customers
    Implementation experience in top telcos / retail / public safety / banks
    Experience in gathering and understanding customer business requirements
    Design of Extract-Transform-Load packages
    Working knowledge of distributed systems
    Working knowledge of Hadoop
    Experience with concurrency and synchronization
    Experience with queuing patterns and pipeline design
    Experience with optimization and troubleshooting

    [2] -------------------------------------------

    Position: Staff Sales/Sales Consultant
    Line of Business: iTech

    Position Summary:

    Oracle iTech is looking for JavaProgrammers for distributed computing. With the increase of data in theenterprise, Oracle is offering customers with an end-to-end solution toacquire, organize, analyze, and maximize the value of data collected fromdifferent sources through the Big Data Appliance. You will be creating Map-Reduceprograms to stage data for further analysis through data warehousing andbusiness intelligence.


    At least 2 yrs background in Java Programming
    Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or related discipline
    Knowledge of data processing algorithms and data structures
    Experience with asynchronous programming with threads
    Experience with data-intensive applications
    Experience with client-server applications
    Experience with developing Java Spring applications
    Excellent communication skills including the ability to handle stress and multi-tasking

    Knowledge of RDBMS and SQL
    Knowledge of Hibernate or similar ORM technologies
    Knowledge of data warehousing concepts
    Knowledge of Extract, Transform, Load process
    Knowledge of Linux and solid OS and networking fundamentals
    Deep conceptual understanding of scalability, performance, queuing, availability, coherence, caching, and synchronization techniques
    Knowledge of Grid computing, Cloud Computing, Hadoop, advanced server clustering and distributed programming
    Knowledge of file system and database kernel internals – latency, throughput, reliability, availability

    [3] -------------------------------------------

    Position: Sales/Senior Sales Consultant
    Line of Business: iTech

    Position Summary:
    Oracle iTech is looking for analysts for designingreports from structured and unstructured data. With the increase of data in theenterprise, Oracle is offering customers with an end-to-end solution toacquire, organize, analyze, and maximize the value of data collected fromdifferent sources through the Big Data Appliance. You will be creating insightsfrom different types of data that are not readily accessible in data warehousesand business intelligence applications today.

    At least 2 yrs background in R language, Stata, SAS, SPSS, Matlab, or complex Excel macros
    Degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics or related discipline
    Experience in Actuarial Science, Numerical Analysis, Linear Programming, Nonlinear Programming, Mathematical Modelling, Probability Theory, Differential Equations, Optimization, Computational Statistics
    Working industry knowledge (Finance, Telco, Public Sector, Retail, Manufacturing)
    Knowledge of data processing algorithms and data structures
    Knowledge of distributed systems
    Excellent communication skills including the ability to handle stress and multi-tasking
    5-10 years experience in all

    Knowledge of RDBMS and SQL
    Knowledge of data warehousing concepts
    Knowledge of Extract, Transform, Load process
    Knowledge of Business Intelligence applications
    Solid OS and networking fundamentals
    2 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2012-01-06 17:15:55 +08:00
       2012-01-06 19:29:30 +08:00
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