第三方 SDK 应该是 有米的广告 SDK 。 -> https://www.youmi.net
SourceDNA researchers found four major classes of information gathered by apps that use the Youmi ad SDK. They include:
A list of all apps installed on the phone
The platform serial number of iPhones or iPads themselves when they run older versions of iOS
A list of hardware components on devices running newer versions of iOS and the serial numbers of these components, and
The e-mail address associated with the user ’ s Apple ID
egen 2015-10-20 07:49:56 +08:00 via iPad
如果是有米的 sdk , app 数量应该远远超过 250 个
holong2000 2015-10-20 07:50:34 +08:00
nashsu 2015-10-20 07:54:13 +08:00
> SourceDNA researchers found four major classes of information gathered by apps that use the Youmi ad SDK. They include:
> 1. A list of all apps installed on the phone > 2. The platform serial number of iPhones or iPads themselves when they run older versions of iOS > 3. A list of hardware components on devices running newer versions of iOS and the serial numbers of these components, and > 4. The e-mail address associated with the user ’ s Apple ID 如果是这些信息,那么似乎国内几乎每个 App 都会上传吧.... |
actuallymax 2015-10-20 08:12:47 +08:00
@taresky 求个完整的 reject 列表
afterain 2015-10-20 08:16:09 +08:00 2
humiaozuzu 2015-10-20 08:41:11 +08:00
laoyur 2015-10-20 09:03:55 +08:00
> 4. The e-mail address associated with the user ’ s Apple ID
这条很感兴趣,不知道对应的 API 是哪个(当然是指动态调用方式) |
zander 2015-10-20 09:07:00 +08:00 via iPhone
安全邮箱也有了, apple id 也有了,碰撞一下就能把设备锁上。 apple 还是强制所有人开两步验证吧。
justtoxic 2015-10-20 09:31:06 +08:00 via iPad
@humiaozuzu 你这没有规则有什么用,要的是那个 reject
justtoxic 2015-10-20 09:33:03 +08:00 via iPad
@humiaozuzu 抱歉,没看全,点开链接才发现了
taresky 2015-10-20 09:53:34 +08:00
@humiaozuzu 好多啊,谢谢。