seki 2015-09-15 12:50:19 +08:00
粗略看了一下, cf cdn 可以摆脱被墙的厄运,百度云加速也算可以用用?
jimages 2015-09-15 13:10:08 +08:00 via iPhone
我很疑惑?国外网站怎么办 icp 备案?幕布怎么搞?
god 2015-09-15 13:10:19 +08:00 via iPad
Tvan 2015-09-15 13:54:15 +08:00
Baidu's regulatory expertise also helped to solve what previously seemed like an insurmountable problem. They developed a process whereby ICP license applications could be automatically submitted on behalf of CloudFlare customers. This removes the burden of individual customers having to navigate local licensing requirements. 文章提到的解决办法... |
singer 2015-09-15 14:07:54 +08:00
百度不是照样不支持 SSL 么
lightforce 2015-09-15 14:18:57 +08:00
现在国内的百度联盟支持 ssl 吗?我看国内的那种野路子诱惑素材联盟基本都不支持 ssl
lhbc 2015-09-15 16:30:31 +08:00
搞了这么久,只有首页支持 https ,其他一堆产品不支持 对 https 网站的收录也惨不忍睹 看阿里,淘宝天猫说全站纯 https 就上了 |
raincious 2015-09-15 16:42:11 +08:00
简而言之, CloudFlare 想要进入中国。
然后,他们不想搞审查( we fundamentally believe that we should not act as an Internet censor ) 但是,审查又是肯定要有的( we are careful to do so in a manner that preserves a free and open Internet, Although we may not be able to announce certain content from within China ) 于是,他们就找上了百度,把臭事丢给他们了。估计就是这样,啊哈哈哈。 不过,如果这样能让不用备案也没啥政治内容的网站能够在国内更快被访问还是不错的。不过这些流量在百度内部怎么走的又是个神奇的小秘密了。 |
huobazi 2015-09-15 16:58:00 +08:00
如果您是 CloudFlare 的客户,并且希望您的域名使用 CloudFlare 的中国服务,您需要拥有 ICP 备案。网站备案是中国工信部要求所有在中国大陆使用主机或 CDN 服务的许可证书。更多详情请访问知识库。
目前我们的中国系统暂不支持 HTTPS ,现只支持 HTTP 。 SSL/TLS 支持将在未来几个月推出。如果您有兴趣参与 CloudFlare 的中国 beta 版服务,或希望了解更多详情,请联系我们的客服团队。 在近期, CloudFlare 客户将可以通过他们 CloudFlare 账户的主控面板页面激活中国网络服务,不需任何额外的配置即可改善在中国网络的性能。 |
huobazi 2015-09-15 17:00:09 +08:00
There are many benefits to both services in CloudFlare ’ s partnership with Baidu.
You should sign up for CloudFlare if: A meaningful portion of your audience is outside of mainland China. You would like to use a service (including support ) offered in English. You do not have an ICP license. You require HTTPS. You should choose the Yunjiasu service if: Your user base is located primarily in mainland China. You prefer a service (including support ) offered in the Chinese language. You have an ICP license. Your domain is HTTP-only. |
moliliang 2015-09-15 17:00:53 +08:00
主要是要修改 dns ,不能 cname ,否则就付费买服务了。可惜~
nealfeng 2015-09-15 17:22:15 +08:00
The connectivity between different ISPs in different provinces can become so fraught that it is sometimes more efficient to route traffic outside the country, across a third party network, and then back in. """ 中国不同省份、不同 isp 之间的连接可能会如此不稳定,以致有时把流量发到国外,通过第三方再发回国内也许效果更好... |
Livid MOD 所以, CloudFlare 的做法,其实和任何其他国外 CDN ( Akamai , EdgeCast , CDNetworks )没有区别, China 只是他们面向企业的方案里的一个 feature 。而愿意付超过 $200 的用户在整个 CloudFlare 用户群里的比例,能到 1% 么?
wdlth 2015-09-15 20:35:56 +08:00
能把网站做进天朝的企业还考虑 CF ?
samael 2015-09-16 17:41:42 +08:00
哦? 我家那也建了个数据中心