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DefyMedia 上海 招聘 PHP 高级开发工程师

  •   hileon · 2015-04-15 12:03:31 +08:00 · 2392 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3484 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    DefyMedia is seeking a Senior PHP Developer. This Developer works closely with design and product teams to implement modern, clean and effective web user interfaces in multiple high-traffic web properties.

    Location: Shanghai

    * Expert level PHP, experience with PHP framework, Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Yii etc.
    * Experience with PHP CMS system, Wordpress, Drupal etc.
    * Experience with Database and Cache system, MySQL, Memcached, Redis etc.
    * Semantic markup best practices, working knowledge of HTML5
    * Expert level CSS, working knowledge of CSS3
    * Expert level JavaScript,experience with JS framework, jQuery, YUI etc.
    * Demonstrated experience with cross-browser/platform(desktop, tablet, mobile) debugging
    * Familiarity with source control procedures and practices (SVN, Git)
    * Fluent in English read, written and spoken
    * Strong attention to detail, team player, fast learner, and hard worker

    Great to Have, But Not Required:
    * Familiarity with website performance best practices
    * Knowledge of Agile software development process
    * Experience in a high-traffic or large-scale web environment
    * Experience with social network integration, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, etc.

    DefyMedia 正在寻找一位高级PHP开发工程师,您将与产品和设计团队密切合作,实现各种高流量、流行的网站系统。

    工作地点: 上海
    招聘人数: 2

    * 熟悉PHP以及相关的开发框架,如Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Yii 等
    * 熟悉常用PHP内容管理系统, 如Wordpress, Drupal 等
    * 熟悉数据库和缓冲技术, 如MySQL, Memcached, Redis 等
    * 熟悉CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript
    * 能够针对多平台和所设备环境规划、开发和调试程序
    * 熟悉代码管理系统, 如 SVN, Git
    * 能熟练使用英语进行交流
    * 有钻研精神,热衷学习新技术,有团队合作意识,积极主动、自我管理

    * 熟悉网站性能调优
    * 熟悉敏捷开发的流程
    * 有大流量网站开发经验
    * 熟悉与主流社交网站的开发集成

    DefyMedia 公司介绍详见公司网站 http://www.defymedia.com

    有意者请发送email至 [email protected]
    也可以在51Job上直接投简历: http://search.51job.com/job/68408267,c.html
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