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V2EX  ›  酷工作

北京 - 知名美资互联网公司招Quality Engineer以及Senior System Engineer

  •   amyhyde · 2011-08-09 13:30:25 +08:00 · 3507 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4819 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    #1 Quality Engineer

    Key Responsibilities
    1.Design and implement test automation framework.
    2.Work with development engineers to create home-grown scripts to facilitate ad-hoc testing as well as provide valuable input on creating more sophisticated, cross-platform QA tools which will assist the manual test process
    3.Design and implement test strategy and test cases.
    4.Execute tests using automation framework and validate test results to ensure the product meeting product requirements.
    5.Conduct White Box and Grey Box testing.
    6.Submit, regress, and verify defects

    Minimum Requirements
    -- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Master preferred.
    -- 5 years experience in Software QE with focus on testing backend server and web applications/ system bases components. No UI or GUI testing.
    -- 3 years of recent Unix/Linux experience with strong UNIX/LINUX command-line troubleshooting background
    -- Hands-on experience with white box and grey box testing, automation testing, and script languages such as Perl/Shell/C++.
    -- Proficient Test Planning and test case writing and designing.
    -- Experience with defect tracking systems and other software life cycle management tools (Bugzilla)
    -- Knowledge of and ability to rapidly learn third party development/QA tools.
    -- Strong written and verbal skills in Chinese and English are required for this position.

    Preferred Job Qualifications
    1.Experience working with remote development staff and QE teams
    2.Experience in HTML, SQL, and XML Apache / C++.
    3.Experience with or knowledge of any QE tools (including: web monitoring, code coverage, memory tools, 3rd party integration)
    4.Experience with Perl, Apache, Soap, C++.

    #2 Senior System Engineer

    Minimum Requirements
    1. MS degree or above in Computer Science or related major
    2.Profficient in C++/C/Java, skilled in a scripting language such as python, perl or shell script
    3.Profficient in multi-threading programming, distributed system, network programming
    4. Experience in object-oriented programming and system design, design patterns
    5. Experience in building high performance distributed Internet product, good at performance tuning and optimization.
    7.Self-starter and good team player, flexible to work with counterparts in the US and other countries.
    8.Fluent oral English communication, precise written communication in Chinese and English

    Preferred Job Qualifications
    1. Knowledge and experience in search technology
    2. Experience in integration of offline processing system with online serving system
    3. Knowledge of apache web server, apache lucence search engine
    4. Experience in Hadoop or other distributed computing system

    Please Send your Resume to [email protected]
    MSN: [email protected]
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