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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[红帽社招] Python 开发工程师 简历投给 [email protected]

  •   redhatjob · 2014-12-08 16:02:55 +08:00 · 2208 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3610 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Job Summary
    The Red Hat Engineering team in Beijing is looking for a Software Engineer to be a member of the python software development team. In this role, you will contribute to software development projects, developing a solid understanding of customers' environments and working with their engineering teams on the problem that needs to be solved. You'll establish yourself as a trusted adviser, both technically and professionally, set expectations appropriately, and work as part of a cohesive team. You will demonstrate quality results that are on time and within the scope of the assigned project and collaborate with the team to produce well written project status reports and other standard documentation. As a Software Engineer, you'll also contribute to Hosted and Shared Services by helping maintain the knowledge base, internal "how-to" guides and technical documentation, as well as learning new technologies that can be applied to future tasks.

    简历投递邮箱[email protected] 薪资等具体面议
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