V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[硬件产品经理] 智能设备及其配件&智能家居

  •   oceanwing · 2014-09-22 09:49:07 +08:00 · 2605 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3685 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Product Manager

    Be the bridge between customers and our product development team. As a tech-enthusiast who loves to look at the details of products you enjoy thinking about how they could be improved. If you like to spend your time with the latest gadgets and are not afraid to take them apart, Anker might just be your next playground.

    Job Description

    Thorough and accurate research on the competitive landscape, sales data, customer insights, and new technologies/products leading to insightful strategies for new products.

    Ownership of a product category including formulating a strategic product roadmap, creating design briefs, reviewing designs, confirming feasibility, and create a product specification request.

    Testing the limits of technology to fulfill a product design vision in line with the brand design language and values.

    Create, drive, and present strategic project plans through the Market Research, Concept definition, and Kick-off milestones.

    Assist Product Development through the development process to ensure the design and functionality of all products meets the product specification request.

    Informing and communicating with all major stakeholders about important product details.

    Understand and help resolve customer issues by being knowledgeable about product features and technologies.

    Job Requirements

    Passion for the latest gadgets and their accompanying accessories.

    Excellent analytical skills, able to look into details and process data down to actionable direction.

    Clear and concise communication, excellent management skills and leadership, the ability to shift gears quickly, wear multiple hats and drive execution.

    Bachelor degree and ideally over 5 years of work experience in consumer electronic products area.

    Ideal Job Requirements

    Prior experience in product/project management, design, and/or data analysis.

    Prior experiences in bringing highly aesthetic, first-class quality consumer electronics or consumer electronic accessories to market.

    Prior experience in electronic accessories, injection molding, and/or soft goods.

    Prior experience working in a fast-paced, deadline driven entrepreneurial environment.
    4 条回复    2014-09-22 11:42:22 +08:00
       2014-09-22 10:00:24 +08:00
       2014-09-22 10:23:03 +08:00
    @mimomi 没有上限,只要人够好~~~~
       2014-09-22 11:16:01 +08:00
    @oceanwing 工作地点在哪儿啊?
       2014-09-22 11:42:22 +08:00
    @zhangdawei 深圳&长沙都可以~
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