hfeeki OP 假设只提供一个图片文件的全路径名,怎样开发一个把图片打印出来的函数?
mhycy 2014-06-10 15:49:10 +08:00
hfeeki OP 貌似不是很负责、困难、麻烦。。。 我已经知道怎样做了
librehat 2014-06-10 18:15:19 +08:00
loading 2014-06-10 18:25:57 +08:00 via iPhone
LZ 没品
hfeeki OP import win32print
import win32ui from PIL import Image, ImageWin # # Constants for GetDeviceCaps # # # HORZRES / VERTRES = printable area # HORZRES = 8 VERTRES = 10 # # LOGPIXELS = dots per inch # LOGPIXELSX = 88 LOGPIXELSY = 90 # # PHYSICALWIDTH/HEIGHT = total area # PHYSICALWIDTH = 110 PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111 # # PHYSICALOFFSETX/Y = left / top margin # PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112 PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113 printer_name = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter () file_name = "test.jpg" # # You can only write a Device-independent bitmap # directly to a Windows device context; therefore # we need (for ease) to use the Python Imaging # Library to manipulate the image. # # Create a device context from a named printer # and assess the printable size of the paper. # hDC = win32ui.CreateDC () hDC.CreatePrinterDC (printer_name) printable_area = hDC.GetDeviceCaps (HORZRES), hDC.GetDeviceCaps (VERTRES) printer_size = hDC.GetDeviceCaps (PHYSICALWIDTH), hDC.GetDeviceCaps (PHYSICALHEIGHT) printer_margins = hDC.GetDeviceCaps (PHYSICALOFFSETX), hDC.GetDeviceCaps (PHYSICALOFFSETY) # # Open the image, rotate it if it's wider than # it is high, and work out how much to multiply # each pixel by to get it as big as possible on # the page without distorting. # bmp = Image.open (file_name) if bmp.size[0] > bmp.size[1]: bmp = bmp.rotate (90) ratios = [1.0 * printable_area[0] / bmp.size[0], 1.0 * printable_area[1] / bmp.size[1]] scale = min (ratios) # # Start the print job, and draw the bitmap to # the printer device at the scaled size. # hDC.StartDoc (file_name) hDC.StartPage () dib = ImageWin.Dib (bmp) scaled_width, scaled_height = [int (scale * i) for i in bmp.size] x1 = int ((printer_size[0] - scaled_width) / 2) y1 = int ((printer_size[1] - scaled_height) / 2) x2 = x1 + scaled_width y2 = y1 + scaled_height dib.draw (hDC.GetHandleOutput (), (x1, y1, x2, y2)) hDC.EndPage () hDC.EndDoc () hDC.DeleteDC () |
tywtyw2002 2014-06-11 13:22:36 +08:00 via iPhone
pdflatex。 然后用cups。
python生成一个latex脚本,运行下pdflatex编译,剩下的cmd call lpr去打印。 没想折腾cups api。 linux上面没问题。 以前做过一键重排版ppt,然后打印。 |