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[Data Engineer] [外企] [20-25k] 可远程

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  •   jojodio1013 · 1 天前 · 767 次点击
    Xometry 新增一个 Data Engineer , [外企] [ 20-25k ] 可远程

    英语简历,英文面试,可能会手写代码,但是可以用 copilot 等 ai 工具。主要还是考察基础

    data warehouse

    需要一个人能(接近)独立建立一个 dwh 的人

    内推加 V: Ace151314

    Role description

    We are expanding our IT team and looking for a Data Engineer who can support our efforts in data-driven
    decisions and business-process optimization across the organization. This position is hybrid and includes
    active feature ownership: we expect the person in this position to own all data transformation processes that
    streamline data from multiple business and analytical systems into trustful, meaningful and coherent data
    models to empower end-users (Management and Data Analysts) with insights and data-driven decisions.
    Who we are?
    We are Xometry: Xometry is a rapidly growing startup that is transforming international manufacturing. Our
    proprietary instant quoting technology and international network of manufacturers provides a streamlined
    on-demand manufacturing experience that is unparalleled in the market. We offer CNC processing, sheet
    metal processing, 3D printing and other production methods to the customers ranging from largest
    organizations like BMW, NASA, Bosch, General Electric to SMB and even individuals.
    The platform – xometry.asia
    The platform (ERP system for business management + Customer front + Suppliers front) is based on Ruby on
    Rails/PostgreSQL stack, Typescript/React frontend, Python modules and integrations with 3rd party solutions
    via APIs. Data stack is now based on Postgresql / Airflow . Currently, the Asian tech team is 14 people in size
    and we prefer keeping it small and blazing fast. We serve all Asian business operations which are independent
    of the US business served by another tech team of ~80. We are building the uber-like platform for
    manufacturing, deploying updates every day, so there is a lot of interesting work to be done.
    ● Take ownership, build & maintain the layer of meaningful and coherent data mart tables/models
    that hide application level complexity from end-users and help them to self-service their decisions.
    ● ETL/ELT multiple data sources (ERP, CRM, payment systems, accounting systems, analytics, mailings,
    etc.) to provide both meaningful data marts and correctness checks / discrepancy alerting processes to
    prevent data corruption and systems malfunction.
    ● Educate and encourage teams and management to apply a data-driven approach. Make it really
    simple for our users to answer 2 key questions: What happened in the past? What is happening now?
    ● Contribute to data warehouse development, maintaining high data quality, helping developers with
    data transformations, integrations, ETL, etc. Prepare data for batching, streaming, machine learning.
    ● Taking part in the analytical efforts helping with the 3rd key question: What will happen in the future?
    Successful candidate has
    ● 3+ years of experience as data engineer
    ● Understanding the target picture of DWH, technologies and processes around it: CI/CD, unit-testing,
    data checks, dependency graph of ETL-processes, etc.
    ● Proven records of developing data models and maintaining DWH. We use Postresql and S3 but the
    experience with similar systems also counts.
    ● Comprehensive knowledge in SQL & Python, solid experience with data pipeline architecture.
    ● Understanding web development tech stack, APIs, programming background is also a plus.
    ● Team player experienced in cross-functional teams, sufficient English for an international company.
    ● Ready to work in a startup environment with continuously evolving goals.
    Work conditions
    ● English and Chinese speaking tech team in the Chinese branch of a large international company.
    ● A developing startup (90 people in China) inside the world market leader (1000+ people in total).
    ● Full-time position.
    ● Salary is negotiable with each candidate.
    2 条回复    2025-03-25 18:44:09 +08:00
       1 天前 via Android
    好奇一把,DWH 用 Postgresql ,是用他那个列数据库扩展吗?我倒是做这个的,不过主要是偏数仓数据建模这块的,我的理解是数仓还是用列数据库比较好一些。Streaming 这块我们之前用 spark ,现在准备转 flink 。
       23 小时 50 分钟前
    具体技术我不太懂,我不是他们部门的,欢迎有想法的,你有经验,英语 ok 就行了
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