smilngwang OP jshint2.5的问题,换到以前的版本好了。。。
参见https://github.com/jshint/jshint/releases |
smilngwang OP The following options were removed: nomen, onevar, passfail, white, gcl, smarttabs, trailing. In addition to that, indent no longer provides warnings about indentation levels. You can still use it to set your tab-width but it will be used only for character locations in other warnings. JSHint won't error if you have these options in your config or your files; it will simply ignore them.
lijinma 2014-04-16 13:27:08 +08:00
代码格式的话,我用了另外一个 codeFormatter
smilngwang OP jshint把检查tab和空格的代码都去掉了。。。