V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[北京]求 Android, iOS 前端开发和 Nodejs 后端开发

  •   henrylilei · 2014-03-29 11:40:58 +08:00 · 2163 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3860 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    We have spent the past one and half years on mobile health and have accumulated almost three million users globally, now our team is expanding to the next level with VC funding.

    We are now looking for couple of talented developers,

    - Must consider him/herself as an Engineer who loves using code to solve real problem instead of just a coder
    - Basic understanding of the following:
    === Algorithm (Bubble sort? Binary Search?) and analysis (Big O notation?)
    === Data Structure (Tree? Heap? Stack?)
    === Design Pattern (MVC? MVVM? Facade?)
    - Use reasoning and logic to defend your work
    - Previous related experience would be a huge plus
    - Basic English reading/writing, you will be working with a group of expats and returnees from the US

    - Competitive salary/compensation based on your experience (20k+/- negotiable)
    - Convenient location (Near Sanlitun (line 10))
    - Stock and Options (Round A)
    - We are still forming our team culture, so you will have the chance to ink yourself into the team's DNA

    If you are interested, please mail your resume to pacerapp # outlook.com or add QQ 2787987.

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