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[SAP][外企] 西安/上海 中高级云开发工程师/数据库开发工程师

  •   wyy0565 · 68 天前 · 2004 次点击
    这是一个创建于 68 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    SAP(思爱普)是德国一家软件企业,总部位于德国巴登符腾堡州瓦尔多夫,主营企业资源管理软件,在 130 个国家设有办事处,在 190 个国家拥有超过 335,000 名客户。中国研究院成立于 1997 年,位于上海,西安研发中心是中国研究院的重要组成部分。


    (Senior)Cloud Developer for HANA Common Service Infrastructure (Xi'an/Shanghai)

    • Very good degree in computer science or related areas
    • Good knowledge of cloud-native development, major DevOps tools
    • Experience with Kubernetes, Docker, Git, CI/CD and micro-services
    • Experience with the cloud offerings of the major hyperscalers, GCP is more preferred
    • Good programming skills in one or more of the following languages: Python, Golang, Terraform, Groovy, Perl, Ruby, C, C++
    • Working experience in distributed, international, and globally development organizations
    • Very good team player with extraordinary soft skills
    • Very good communication skills in English and Mandarin

    SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Database (Senior) Developer (Xi'an)

    • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related majors
    • Passionate about developing on-premise software product or cloud service with high quality
    • Proficient at least one of the following programming languages: C, C++, Java
    • Experience of multi-threading programming and complex software system development is preferred
    • Database, design pattern and related knowledge are preferred
    • Great problem-solving skills and strategic thinking
    • Fluent English both spoken and written

    Developer - HANA Tooling Development (Xi'an)

    • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering or relevant fields
    • Strong proficiency in front-end technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, JAVA, XML, HTML5/CSS3
    • Extensive experience with back-end technologies such as Node.js, Python, or Java
    • Extensive knowledge on database and SQL
    • Extensive experience in Kubernetes and Docker
    • Familiarity with RESTful services, and microservices architecture
    • Familiarity with Agile development methodologies
    • Willingness to learn and flexibility to switch to new subject matters quickly
    • Excellent team player, self-motivated with strong communication skills
    • Proficiency in spoken and written English


    简历发送至 eXVhbnlhbmcud2FuZ0BzYXAuY29t (base64),注明意向职位和城市。

    2 条回复    2024-07-25 11:46:50 +08:00
       67 天前 via iPhone
       67 天前 via iPhone
    @Betsy 不好意思,英语要求有写,看漏了。
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