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Looking for great Rust backend development Bitcoin LightningNetwork DEX

  •   jackey115 · 128 天前 · 1115 次点击
    这是一个创建于 128 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    We are looking for candidates who thrive in entrepreneurial environments, enjoy writing and shipping code fast, and can help us build out a great culture of engineering excellence. We’re looking for people who are passionate about building world-changing software and solving complex problems to further our mission, as well as having fun along the way.

    What you’ll be doing:

    Designing, building, scaling, and maintaining production services around Lightning Network
    Building a deep understanding of Lightning and collaborating with the community to make core protocol and implementation improvements
    Creating a rich services layer to serve the next set of users and use cases - bringing Lightning to mass adoption
    Building frameworks to collect and deeply analyze Lightning data for the purposes of solution improvement
    Extending Lightning via advanced functionality that solves the next wave of complex problems and introduces Lightning to broader audiences
    Desire to learn and grow in a highly collaborative environment
    What we are looking for:

    3+ years of back-end engineering with Rust
    Experience working on Lightning Network protocols and implementations
    Experience writing, high quality, well tested code
    Experience communicating and collaborating across technical and other cross functional teams
    CS degree, or equivalent is ideal but not required. We appreciate and acknowledge that some of the best talent comes from non-traditional backgrounds.
    Notes: Please provide your GitHub profile with public personal projects and contributions.

    Email: [email protected]
    Telegram: @Seven2077

    1 条回复    2024-06-03 17:10:39 +08:00
       128 天前
    You are looking for this role for such a long time....
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