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V2EX  ›  酷工作

招聘高级前端开发工程师 区块链钱包开发

  •   jackey115 · 161 天前 · 918 次点击
    这是一个创建于 161 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    - 负责区块链钱包开发和优化工作,保证其功能的稳定性和安全性。
    - 使用 TypeScript 开发 Chrome 插件


    - 熟悉区块链钱包相关技术,包括公私钥管理、签名算法、交易构造等。
    - 对主流公链如比特币、以太坊等有深入的理解和实践经验,能够快速理解和接入新的公链。
    - 作为 UI 开发者或前端开发者的丰富经验,有一个强大的作品集展示以前的工作。
    - 熟练掌握 React ,Tailwind CSS 和 TypeScript ,有使用 Next.js 框架的先前经验。


    - 3,000-5000 USD


    - 为节省双方沟通时间,请附上行业相关的 GitHub 开源项目或个人项目展示

    - 联系方式:
    - Email: [email protected]
    - Telegram: @Skyeyes0

    Sr. Front End Engineer - Bitlight Wallet

    Your Responsibilities:

    - Responsible for the development and optimization of blockchain wallet plug-ins, ensuring their stability and security.
    - Develop Chrome Extensions Using TypeScript

    Desired Skills and Experience:

    - Familiar with blockchain wallet related technologies, including public-private key management, signature algorithms, transaction construction, etc.
    - Have a deep understanding and practical experience of mainstream public chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., and can quickly understand and access new public chains.
    - Proven experience as a UI Developer or Front-end Developer, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous work.
    - Proficiency in React, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript, with prior experience with Next.js framework.

    Monthly Salary:

    - 3,000-6000 USD


    - To save time, please attach crypto-relevant GitHub public projects or personal projects.
    - Email: [email protected]
    - Telegram: @Skyeyes0
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