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#Hiring #Japan #React #Visa Sponsorship(簽證贊助)

  •   Sam869 · 246 天前 · 1260 次点击
    这是一个创建于 246 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    🔔 We're a vibrant and ambitious company driven by the electrifying synergy of gaming, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. We eat, sleep, and breathe pixels and private keys, and our hearts beat to the rhythm of both joystick jiggles and blockchain bounces.

    🔔 We're not just playing games, we're making them, and in the process, we're redefining what it means to have fun in the digital era. our playground is as vast as our ambitions, stretching from the bright lights of the USA to the historic landscapes of Europe, from our home turf in Japan to the bustling cities of Southeast Asia, and beyond.

    🔔 Our workspace is a sandbox designed to spark your creativity and fuel your personal growth. Our mantra? Flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration. In essence, it's a way of life. It's about embracing challenges, celebrating wins, and reimagining what's possible in the world of gaming. We’re on an extraordinary journey, and we're looking for extraordinary people to join us. 🗣 Are you ready to Advance Beyond Ambition? Game on! 🗣

    Position :React 前端 Location : Japan Salary: 5000~9000USDT

    3.精通 HTML5 、CSS3 ,JavaScript 等前端技术,熟悉常用资料结构、演算法、
    4.精通 React 主流开发框架,深入了解 React UI 渲染框架的底层机制。。
    5.熟悉基本的电脑网路概念,熟悉 HTTP/HTTPS 协定及其他 Web 标准规范。
    6.对 web 前端的效能优化以及 web 常见漏洞有一定的理解和相关实践。
    8.有独当一面的开发能力,带领团队能力; 过去的专案请提前分享。
    a.精通服务器端 NodeJS 框架开发和服务器端渲染。
    b.开发工具包以提高前端开发效率和质量,对 esbuild 、Webpack 、Parcel 、Vite 等有深入了解。

    1. 有 5 年以上经验。计算机科学或 IT 相关专业的文凭
    2. 须提供相关作品供参考。
    3. 必须能中文流利沟通,英语流利加分。

    1 、您活跃的 Github/NPM 组合
    2 、一些流行开源项目的核心开发人员。
    3 、了解几种流行的前端框架或库的每一行。
    4 、了解并使用过多种编程语言

    Why Join Us ⁉️ ●We offer a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. ●With our passion in gaming, we continue to grow and offering tremendous career opportunities! ●We are an international company made up of people from various backgrounds and nationalities! ●We are a super-fast growing company in a competitive and ever-changing industry. ●And above all, we are passionate about what we are building altogether! ●We are aiming to spread to more than 30 countries this year!

    🎬 Recruitment Process: You will be contacted by our team within 72 hours of your application. Our recruitment process takes a maximum of 7 days from the first interview and you will be notified in case of success or failure.

    📫 Please send your resume to drop me a message for more information or add
    Telegram: https://t.me/SamHanHR email: [email protected] Thank you! 😃
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