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Need agency to custom Android OS

  •   Sangdoylac001 · 245 天前 · 555 次点击
    这是一个创建于 245 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hi everyone 😁 ,
    I am reaching out on behalf of Playground LTD (Korean/Vietnamese company). We are currently working on a project called Pools OS, an operating system tailored for our customized Pools Phones based on Android 13. Experience on AOST is welcome.

    Below is a brief overview of the Pools OS project:
    - Customize the user interface and user experience.
    - Install default apps bundled with the operating system.
    - Display apps, widgets, wallpaper on the phone's home screen.
    - Integrate Pools ID into the account/security of Pools OS.
    - Customize steps from the first activating phone until the home screen.
    - Provide support for the official launch of Pools OS.

    Please leave your email and company profile here or contact [email protected].
    Thank you,
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