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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Base 厦门 | 招聘高级产品经理 弹性工作 / 英文工作环境 极具潜力的技术公司

  •   Chancetop · 309 天前 · 1135 次点击
    这是一个创建于 309 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    厦门畅拓科技有限公司成立于 2015 年 7 月,以技术改变商业为使命,以技术为核心生产力,为海外电商提供技术方案及服务支持,助力商业端取得持续的成功。目前为 Wonder 项目的中国技术研发中心,负责全部基础架构和技术研发。同时,我们与美国一流商业团队保持着长期战略合作关系,包括 Yummy Bazzar 、Twirlista 等。

    招聘岗位:高级产品经理 薪资:15-30*14 薪 工作经验:4-8 年;本科学历

    Who Are We Looking For?

    • We're looking for a Senior Product Manager with 4 to 8 years of experience in product management, who dreams in product roadmaps and speaks the language of users like a native, to drive the success of our diverse product offerings. This role involves spearheading the development of products that can cater to both domestic and international markets where we see fit. Exceptional oral and written skills in Mandarin and English are essential for effective communication across global teams.

    What Will You Do?

    • Lead the entire product lifecycle for solutions, ensuring alignment with business objectives and market demands.

    • Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to define and execute product strategies and roadmaps, ensuring it resonates across diverse markets and cultures and leading with empathy and understanding for varied perspectives.

    • Conduct thorough market research to identify opportunities and user needs in diverse markets, domestically and internationally.

    • Dive deep into user insights, weaving their stories into the fabric of our product's evolution.

    • Apply a user-centric approach, utilizing a strong sense of user experience design to deliver intuitive and impactful product solutions.

    • Communicate product vision, progress, and strategies effectively to stakeholders at all levels.

    • Leverage previous experience in the retail or restaurant business (if you have) to create tailored products addressing industry-specific challenges.

    What You Bring to the Table:

    • 4 to 8 years of hands-on product management experience.

    • Product experience in retail or restaurant solutions is a bonus.

    • Exceptional oral and written skills in both Mandarin and English.

    • Exceptional communication skills, bridging gaps between tech, design, and business - no pigeon carriers needed!

    • A knack for understanding user behavior and transforming it into delightful product features.

    • A strong understanding and appreciation of user experience design principle


    • 拥有来自北美的顶级架构师、领先的分布式云计算工程师团队和资深全栈工程师,提供先进技术的学习交流平台,每位新人有相对应的入职培训。
    • 英文工作环境,且不只限于英文文档、外籍员工,与美国同事进行工作沟通,安排不定期赴美交流。
    • 多个小团队协作,以业务线为单位,每个人不在只是生产流水线上的一员,守着自己的三分地。在这里,只要你想,就能学到完整的技术链,从前端到后端,从开发到运维。
    • 浓郁的工程师文化,厦门团队以 Engineer 、QA 、RA 、PM 为核心,安排定期的技术分享会。
    • 扁平化管理,没有大公司病,轻松自由发表意见,好的意见会被及时吸纳,并迅速执行。希望你能成为我们重要的一员。 [福利待遇]
    • 入职即交五险一金(公积金 12%超高比例~)
    • 年底双薪,年中绩效奖金
    • 股票期权
    • 补充商业险
    • 不提倡加班,双休,法定节假日,带薪年假
    • 有零食休闲区,不定期下午茶,上线庆祝会
    • 每周瑜伽课,室内羽毛球活动
    • 每季度团建
    • 年度体检
    • 定期英语培训课
    • 定期技术分享
    • 赴美工作机会
    • 落户厦门
    • 员工旅游


    投递邮箱: [email protected]

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