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V2EX  ›  hulumaozi  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  1
2012-12-25 17:54:49 +08:00
回复了 hulumaozi 创建的主题 酷工作 上海2K Games招Internal Tools Programmer(Python)
现急招Experienced Web Developer/网页开发工程师

-了解LAMP架构, 熟悉Linux相关开发。

-熟悉开源监控软件,如munin, nagios,等。


-2+ years of experience of web development.
-Has professional experience in designing, creating, and maintaining web services.
-RDBMS and/or NoSQL development experience.
-Understanding the LAMP architecture, familiar with Linux development.
-Experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, proficient in at least one js library (such as jQuery).
-Good Python programming skills.
-Individual must be self motivated with a strong work ethic.
-Oral and written English.


-Source Content Management System knowledge.
-Experience with open source monitoring software, such as Munin, Nagios, etc.
-Experience with the Linux system deployment, monitoring and maintenance.
-Bachelor’s degree in computer science.

有意者请联系QQ7238422,邮箱[email protected],谢谢!
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