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LAZADA-iOS 客户端高级开发工程师-北京招募中

Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.

Team and Role Introduction:

Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.

Team and Role Introduction

我们是阿里国际化电商 Lazada 搜索和广告工程团队,负责 Lazada 的搜索和广告产品的迭代升级,为千万级用户提供优质购物体验,提供在线高并发服务、搭建运营工具和平台、优化算法离线训练迭代效率。国际化是阿里集团未来发展的核心方向,其中搜索和推荐系统负责站内流量的匹配和分发。和算法团队一起通过对用户/货品的理解、结合业务目标来持续优化流量效率并发掘增长点,通过数字化+工具化赋能本地运营建立本地知识和工程技术系统的连接。搜索和推荐领域的算法运用程度最高。在这里可以接触到业界前沿的人工智能/机器学习技术和大数据开发体系。Lazada 平台通过多年的业务发展积累了本地、品牌、自营、跨境、自有物流等多种业务形式,在东南亚多国处于领先位置。但同时海外市场有很多未知的挑战,包括不限于:语言、文化、宗教、国民收入、消费习惯、地理、物流,希望更多同路人加入一起探索。



负责 Lazada 搜索&联盟&广告方向 iOS 端业务研发工作,支持产品迭代升级;

与产品经理、UI 设计师和后端开发团队紧密沟通合作,负责技术方案设计,确保项目进度和交付;


跟踪行业动态,了解新技术,进行 iOS 端创新技术预研和实践,不断优化和提升搜索和联盟端侧用户体验;


Requirements/Qualifications(must have):


具备扎实的 OC/Swift 编程语言基础;

三年以上 iOS 项目开发经验,有良好的代码质量意识和编程习惯,具备一定的架构设计能力;

熟练使用 iOS 的常用的 UI 组件并熟悉其内部原理,熟悉 iOS 多线程,网络,内存机制等基础系统原理;

有 iOS 的 UI 、网络、内存等性能优化经验,能熟练使用调试分析工具优化代码;

具备良好的问题分析解决能力,对技术有热情,乐于学习新技术;有较强的责任心和团队精神 ,善于沟通协作,能积极推动项目进展并达成项目目标。

Requirements/Qualifications(good to have):

有电商类 App/大型知名 App 开发架构经验者优先;

有跨端技术开发经验(如 ReactNative/Hybird/Weex )者优先;

LAZADA-高级 Java 研发工程师(广告联盟)-北京招募中

Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.

Team and Role Introduction:

Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.


1 、支持阿里国际化广告业务,负责 Lazada 联盟广告应用平台建设,包括联盟 APP ,Adsense 等媒体平台,广告主平台,Offer 中心,报表中心等联盟广告投放,媒体管理,生态撮合的相关应用,支持 Lazada 联盟业务的高速发展,助力东南亚联盟生态加速完善; 2 、参与阿里广告应用中台建设,投身业界顶尖的技术生态; 3 、在离线大数据处理,包括使用 blink 、分布式调度系统进行大规模数据处理。

Requirements/Qualifications(must have):

-3 年以上 Java 研发经验,擅长业务系统架构设计,具备一定的项目协调推进能力;

-具备扎实的 Java 基础,精通 JDK 在集合、IO 、并发、线程、反射、类体系等方面的运用,精通 JVM 调优;

-熟悉 Spring/MyBatis/Tomcat/Dubbo 等常用 Java 开源框架,对其运行原理有较好的理解;

-精通数据库设计( MySQL 优先),优秀的 SQL 编写及调优能力,熟悉常见 NoSQL 存储,如 Hbase ,memcached 、redis 等;




Requirements/Qualifications(good to have):



Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.

Team and Role Introduction:

我们是 AIDC 支持搜推广的算法工程团队,该职位负责 AE 和 Lazada 的算法工程和大模型相关优化,包括离线训练优化、在线推理优化、大模型训练流程构建等;


1 、负责 LAZADA 搜索、广告及推荐引擎架构的设计与研发工作;

2 、海量数据的特征工程、离线训练、在线推理系统构建;

3 、支撑海量数据的离线+实时流计算工程研发;

4 、大数据高性能分布式处理平台技术研发。

Requirements/Qualifications(must have):

1 、具备扎实的数据结构、算法设计、设计模式、操作系统、网络编程等基础知识;

2 、精通 Linux 平台的 C++/Java 编程,熟悉 Python 等至少一门脚本语言;

3 、了解大规模、高并发、分布式系统设计,有搜索、推荐或广告引擎的相关开发经验;

4 、了解机器学习和深度学习算法,有算法工程开发经验;

5 、具备良好的沟通和协作能力、持续的自驱力和较强的责任感。

Requirements/Qualifications(good to have):

有算法工程实践经验的优先,包括训练加速,GPU 优化等;有大模型在离线工程经验的优先;
2020-01-06 09:42:08 +08:00
回复了 qq275327347 创建的主题 微信 微信 PC 版备份报错“文件被移动或损坏,无法继续”
你大概用的是 play 版吧。。
2017-02-05 17:27:07 +08:00
回复了 zobor 创建的主题 Google 想体验原生安卓系统 iPhone 的电量 1/4 的掉受不了
@honeycomb 但你又不得不用 BAT 出品
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